“It’s never too late to follow your dream!” Kamen Tonchev

“I have a sport outfit branded with the logo, but no one insists that I run with it. It is more important for them that I like the harmonica products” – he says.

Borisova Garden

Vera Gotseva – Lomovera, spent a day with Kamen Tonchev, an athlete supported by us.

Kamen Tonchev is 36 years old. He is actively involved in sports for the last five years. Since then he had constantly improved himself and the result are at hand. In 2015 he became first in the overall rankings of the duathlon in Zygos, Greece. During the same year he also became third in the duathlon of Vitosha 100. Next he wants to participate in the cross triathlons which take place across Europe and include 1, 5 km of swimming, followed by 30 km of bicycling and another 10 km of running. But how it all began?
“In 2011 I bought a bike to go to work with. I got so excited I started to ride all the time. Already the following year I was entering competitions for cycling and running.” – says Kamen. He first started running when he got on vacation to the seaside without his bike. There was nothing to do so he decided to run. The progress he is making in time motivates him to train even more and more. Thanks to running he quit smoking and completely changed his way of life.
“I changed radically my diet. I almost don’t eat meat and don’t drink more than one beer a day.” At the moment Kamen is striving to eat “whole foods”, which are the least processed. He eats lots of tahini, fruits and vegetables. Also yogurt and a variety of bean stews. Among animal products he prefers eggs and eats them almost every day. He also eats cheese, but not so often.
Kamen contacted us last year because he truly likes what we do. We at the same time liked what he is doing and decided to support him. “I have a sport outfit branded with the logo, but no one insists that I run with it. It is more important for them that I like the harmonica products” – he says.
How does a day of Kamen passes? He gets up early and trains. He often begins with cycling. His constant desire to expand his capabilities is what moves him forward. He has always loved to move. “I want to sweat and breathe.” He dreams of studying in the National Sport Academy for a coach so that he can teach children to respect sports. “This is very important for me. Like the movement which brings me the greatest joy and meaning.”


Kamen's facebook fan page.
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